Nicki Minaj Felt ‘Horrible’ About Being Late to Justin Combs’ Sweet 16

Nicki Minaj 'Horrible' Late Justin Combs Sweet 16

Nicki Minaj is still regretting a tardiness mistake from 13 years ago.

In an Instagram Live video recorded and posted by 9MagTV this week, Diddy’s son Justin Combs commented “Hi” in the chat, which Minaj noticed and addressed. “I went to your Sweet 16 with you, right?” she said. “Yo, what was that like me being your Sweet 16 date? I know I was mad late, I can’t remember much but I felt like I just knew that Puffy and Misa were so mad at me.”

Diddy shares Justin, who is 29 years old now, with his ex-girlfriend, fashion designer Misa Hylton. “I could feel it and I was so mad at myself…