AJHSynth Announces MiniMod Keyz Modular Monosynth

Announcement: MiniMod Monosynth with Keyz on a white background.

The MiniMod Keyz is centered around AJH Synth’s MiniMod System modules alongside additional modules mounted into a custom Cre8audio NiftyKEYZ keyboard controller/case, replicating the vintage circuitry and sound of the original R.A. Moog version of the Minimoog Model D in modular format with expanded functionality.

Arranged left to right is the MiniMod GLIDE + NOISE: glide (with added up/down function, including correct glide slope profile, and Hold function recreating glide-only-when-key-is-depressed behavior) and noise generator (with Red, White, and Pink noise CV modulation sources); 3x MiniMod VINTAGE TRANSISTOR CORE VCO:…