Tiësto Drops Two Incredible Remixes, “Bittersweet Goodbye” and “Car Keys” Inspired by 90s Classics

A man in an orange jacket standing next to a pool. Inspired by 90s Classics.

Tiësto is back with two more brand new remixes that have been lighting up his live sets lately. The first is a remix of Alok & Ava Max’s reimagining of the 1996 trance tune “Ayla” by Ayla called “Car Keys.” Anyone who has ever heard a dance music song immediately recognizes the du-du-dunh-dun-dun synth beats from the original track. While Alok & Ava Max’s version was kind of more old school sounding more reliant on vocals; the Tiësto remix unleashes those famous notes for the main stage. This one has been a weapon in many DJs live sets the past few months.

The second remix is…