Lawrence Lui Returns With Genre Bending Single ‘M83 IDM OST MHZ’


NY based experimental producer Lawrence Lui returns to the drawing table with his first single of 2024, ‘M83 IDM OST MHZ‘. Now what does the song name even stand for?

M83 = cool French shoegaze act
IDM = 90s ‘intelligent dance music’
OST = original soundtrack
MHZ = megahertz

Known for his eclectic sound design, Lui continues to blur the fine line of genres on ‘M83 IDM OST MHZ.’ The track is a genre bending of ambient techno, and as lo-fi as it is futuristic. Like yin and yang, the track is a fluid balance between smooth and distorted. It’s a playful ode against conformity. with hints of Hans Zimmer and Scanner…