Rolf Harris, the disgraced entertainer who, prior to his downfall, enjoyed hits in the U.K. and his homeland, Australia, and who was once commissioned...
Grace Bumbry, a pioneering mezzo-soprano who became the first Black singer to perform at Germany’s Bayreuth Festival during a career of more than three...
Rob Laakso, guitarist and instrumentalist for Kurt Vile and the Violators, has died at 44. The musician’s wife, Mamie-Claire Cornelius, confirmed that he died...
Chris Strachwitz, a producer, musicologist and one-man preservation society whose Arhoolie Records released thousands of songs by regional performers and comprised an extraordinary American...
Gordon Lightfoot, the Canadian singer/songwriter behind the folk hits “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald,” “Sundown” and “If You Could Read My Mind,” died...
Ian Bairnson, guitarist for the Alan Parsons Project who also performed on albums by Kate Bush, has died. He was 69.
The Scottish-born musician passed...