Delivering his first original production of 2024, renowned electronic music producer Trikk announces the release of his latest single, ‘Rigor’, on prestigious Berlin-based record...
After months of hype, the record is finally released via Adriatique’s Siamese imprint.
Following an immense run of DJ support from the likes of Adriatique,...
Global pop icon David Guetta keeps the smash hits coming with his new single ‘I Don’t Wanna Wait’ alongside Grammy-nominated OneRepublic, out now on...
Out now, the record marks the fourth single to be taken from Santiago Garcia’s upcoming debut album ‘Signature’, due on April 26.
Following the announcement...
Preeminent German producer and DJ Boris Brejcha, also known as the Joker, is building excitement for his forthcoming 10th album release by offering fans...
Snirco & Millero Deliver Mesmerizing Single “Sweet Moment” on CAMELPHAT’s When Stars Align Imprint
Snirco and Millero join forces to unleash the incredibly powerful, “Sweet...
Following on from last year’s definitive GU:45 Brooklyn by Danny Tenaglia, Global Underground brings you GU46: Lisbon by Brazilian supremo ANNA, available June 2024....
Armenian musician, artist, producer, and DJ Your friend, daao’s sounds are unique.
Known for his immersive live and DJ sets, intertwining art and music...