Genre-bending producer Blanke releases vulnerable melodic bass record, “Crashing Hard” with singer-songwriter Casey Cook, the first single from upcoming debut Monstercat EP, ‘Emergence,’ due...
Acclaimed session singer, writer, and producer Yona Marie has unveiled her latest song release, “The World All Around Me,” a heartfelt love song that...
Electronic music’s newest sensation, ALLEYCVT, also known as Catherine Lee, is poised to disrupt the scene with her latest offering, ‘GLITCH’, slated for release...
Today, UK dancefloor icons in the making Joy (Anonymous) have released their new album ‘Cult Classics’ via Astralwerks.
‘Cult Classics’ is a vital collection...
Turning the attention on fans and industry friends, definitive dance music icon Darude presents his fifth studio album ‘Together’ in honour of you, his...
Jean-Michel Jarre has collaborated with Armin van Buuren on “EPICA MAXIMA,” a re-interpretation of “EPICA” from Jarre’s last album OXYMORE.
It is the second...
Egzod makes his triumphant return to Lost In Dreams with the captivating five-track ‘Collide’ EP.
The project scores an evocative hero’s journey that’s riddled...