Embarking on a musical journey that’s as scintillating as a California sunset, Snoop Dogg, the maestro of rap, harmoniously converges with the dynamic forces...
Marten Hørger continues his hot streak of this year’s singles with the new self-released piece “Love All Night,” which perfectly represents his already signature...
Danish export Snavs teamed up with up-and-comer John Alto, also hailing from Denmark, for their new track “Headlights,” a dark progressive house gem with...
Rising LA based DJ-producer and instrumentalist Rome In Silver drop his highly anticipated album ᖭ༏ᖫ spoken as ‘Dragonfly’ via Seeking Blue Records.
Initially making a...
Hard Dance icons Darren Styles and Toneshifterz join forces today for their highly-anticipated debut collaborative record, “Wasted,” also marking Toneshifterz’ Monstercat debut.
Infused with thumping...